Ganesh was wondering what this man was doing here in the middle of nowhere. Never in his life had he seen a man so divine, yet so scary at the same time. The man is barely clothed and the days are getting colder down here in the earth. He already missed the cozy-ness of his air-conditioned apartment in the sky. He hated the land. He was wondering if he should offer him his coat.
Just then the man signaled Ganesh to follow. They walked in silence till they reached a settlement by the banks of the river. Ganesh knew that Saraswati flows through this region, though he had never seen it in here. The revered man sat down by the foot of a tree, Ganesh followed him.
"Wondering why I am living here alone and away from the bustle ?", asked the man. Ganesh answered,"Wondering if I could learn how to muster the cold". Somehow that seemed to be the most intriguing thing about this man. He is unfazed by the hardships of the dying world.
"The reason I called you here Ganesh, is that I wanted to make the greatest scientific achievements of this yuga accessible to the people of the kali yuga. You do realize that they are going to be dull and would need a lot of help to develop into intellectual beings don't you ? We wouldn't want mankind to go the way of the chimps", said the man.
Ganesha said,"My father always says that Sage Vyasa is the wisest of all. If you say so, it is true sir. What I don't understand though is that why can't the people of kalki realize what we have achieved ? They will be, by no means, weaker than us". Vyasa simply replied," Their progress will be overcome by greed and their potential, hampered by corruption".
Ganesh was curious. He had learnt from his father, that Kalki was final the avatar of vishnu. Vishnu, the life. It is the reason for everything artificial in existance. Isn't the deshavatar representative of the evolution of life itself. Significant multi-cellular life started as fish, thus the matsyam, it evolved into amphibians, thus the koormam and so on, it finally lead to Rama and Krishna, the fully evolved scientifically and culturally advanced men. Kalki is the next stage. Kalki is where man performs acts beyond possibility and achieve impossible feats. He always thought that Kalki was the golden era of mankind.
Vyasa suddenly interrupted this chain of thought. He said,"I know exactly what you are thinking my son. Everyone, including your father think that Kalki is going to be the golden age of mankind. Alas, how very wrong they are. Kalki is rather the dark age of human era. Man will kill fellow man for entertainment. Wars will be launched for the propagation of religion. Harmony will exist only in music, and that barely. Of course he will do great things, but we are not doing the same things. For they are great, yet terrible."
Ganesh said," The earth barely sustains the wars in this time sir, what with all the radioactive and sub atomic weapons around. Won't that mean the end for the planet, if man could potentially become more lethal ?". He was wondering how much powerful man can get.
Vyasa replied," At the cost of being heavy-headed son, they are never going to be as powerful as we are now. The farthest that their machines will ever travel to is just beyond the reach of the sun. Their space stations will be hopelessly pathetic compared to our space cities. Their cities will be made of huts when you compare it with the fine architecture of Pataliputra and Dwaraka. Their vimanas are mere insects.They won't realize how weak and dumb they are compared to the dwapara man. It is their superiority complex. They will think that they are the greatest the planet has ever seen. Each generation will gloat to the previous that they are the epitome of science and technology. All the while not realizing that we lived the real golden age. Some of our temples and rituals will not be considered as schools of science and art, but rather as mere superstition and will be ridiculed. Why in fact the Vedas, Upanishads, Dhivya Prabhandham and Sangam literature that are going to be penned down by the wise people of this era will be considered myth and not as scientific proceedings of this era. Man will be so naive and careless with his ancestral heritage that he will go back to being nomads and start all over again, only because he disregards our knowledge."
Ganesh listened intently to all this. He still had one nagging question unanswered. He was wondering if he dared ask this to Vyasa. He figured he should give it a shot. He asked," So what will happen to us." Vyasa simply replied,"Dwapara yuga is about to end, you know that".
Ganesh can now see the full scene unfold. The end of dwapara yuga is already here. Kurukshetra just happened and witnessed the change in man. The greatest war that had even been and will ever be fought. A war with such intensity and power, that the Nuclear wars of the future will just be mockery. Mankind is coming to an end. He asked Vyasa," How long ?"
Vyasa pondered over question. "I give it a maximum of 4000 years. The rest of kalki will just be the dying lifeless planet.",he replied. Shock went over Ganesh. 4000 years is a very small time. It can hardly be considered a yuga. The man of kalki must be so reckless if he is going to destroy himself completely within such a short time. He was secretly glad that he is not going to live the kalki world in earth. He will be safe in Kailash, with his family.
"Now lets get down to business Ganesh. We have a lot of work to do. Writing the story of Kirshna is not a simple undertaking, considering we should write in a form that is easily understood by the naive men of Kalki.", said Vyasa. Ganesh knew ofcourse that it is hopeless to write this epic, he just wondered whether there will be any man in the kali yuga, who would knew what the men of dwapara yuga achieved. He prayed the apocalypse that is going to transition dwapara yuga into the kali yuga be quick and Krishna's demise would be fast. He took his pen, and got ready to be the scribe, for the greatest story ever recited.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The blocked Profile
It all started with Friendster. Social Networking took its turn in India when Orkut became popular. Everyone was in Orkut. Guys who never even spoke with girls in their entire lives, gone on to get that psychological affliction removed owing to the ease that Orkut provided in socializing. I am different though. I started talking to her first via SMS. Text Messaging was another popular thing, but a thing for only the bold hearted men to attempt, atleast in the year 2006.
I met her in my freshman year of college. Went through the usual introductions, but never really found her attractive or anything. There were a lot of girls and a teenager's eyes does pan around though will not get fixated to one piece in particular. I got to know her in more detail though there wasn't really any big or sparkling conversation between us.
I reckon it was January when we entered and won that electronics competition together. One can't help but get closer to someone if you are stuck with them working together in a team for two days straight. There it was, our first unofficial date. We were getting closer and closer to each other. There was a week when I am sure there were more than 700 texts each way ( We had a 100 texts per day limit then ). Then started the occasional call, the odd date a month. Things were going just awesome.
It was a really nice spring evening one January when I went ahead and messed it all up. I said I loved her. Surprisingly, she said she loved me too. It lasted for a day, the second day we broke up and she blocked me in orkut. She had changed her mobile number also. I reckon she got a little too panicky. Things went on cold war for la couple of years, we teamed up again for the senior year comprehensive project.
Then it was the turn of facebook, a fine person centered social network, invention of a certain red-green colorblind.. She added me in FB and till date I consider the following two years the best years of my life. We started going out again, we were so close to each other that we are practically a couple living together. College ended we became more close then ever, thanks to facebook mobile. It was her turn this time, she started the question of us again, and we were again in love, we both knew it. I had to come to Arizona for my Grad School and she was working in Bengaluru. I wonder what we would have been doing if not for facebook.
Alas, our relationships are never stable. Out of the blue, she had blocked my facebook profile, she changed her mobile number yet again, changed her physical address and moved elsewhere. I could never talk to her again till date. Perhaps one day we will speak again, get to know each other again, date again, just perhaps perhaps perhaps.. ( lol like all couples we watch sitcoms together and coupling was one of our favorites :D )
The pleasures of relationships that we see these days courtesy social networks are huge. That being said, they are also equally hurting and torturing when you break up with the love of your life, for when they block you, you can still feel their presence amongst your mutual friends, but they always elude you. It is hurt !
Thursday, January 6, 2011
India, been a developing country for quite some time now isn't it ?
I have been asking around a lot of people, entrepreneurs, teachers, CEO's, students and people of wisdom the same question, When is India going to be called a Developed country ? - I got a startling result. More than 75.54% ( it was a real calculation folks ) of people said, "NEVER".
It was a sunny morning, and the men of the town go to the site, the site of what would remain the tallest man made building for the oncoming 4000 years - the pyramid of Giza. Egypt was a mighty empire, one of the most developed civilizations of the world and they were showing off their prowess in civil engineering by building the gigantic monument. Little did they know that far across the globe, there are other such civilizations in India building temples and jumping leaps in literature. What were the Europeans doing then, probably trying to join two words together and form a language.
It's true that when the vedas were written, in most other races of the world there wasn't even a recognizable language, that when the Nalanda University was thriving, most of Europe was still making farming settlements. The Vimana Sastra, the earliest account of a flying machine, possibly the earliest published piece of work on aviation technology, is to this day a wonder to scientists. Some of the philosophy mentioned in the vedas are still not understood and there is a huge research going on, in neolithic and pre-neolithic Indian culture because many believe that scientists those who are working on stuff ranging from image processing to electricity to particle physics to astronomy are just rediscovering things that the Indians and Egyptians already knew. I can keep on providing evidence as to how mighty the two empires of India and Egypt were. What more, both the civilizations had a flourishing trade between them. Also, don't forget the Chera Chola and the Pandiyas of the Dravidian civilizations.
So what happened to the super-power that was once the "empire". Well, obviously Europe grew at the same time India fell, which was possibly due to either climatic changes or due to a failure of trade between India and Egypt and Mesopotamia. But what we do know happened was that Europe gained power both in land and in technology and they started colonizing the entire world. We all know how we fought for our freedom and how we achieved it. But did we really achieve it ?
True, America got it's independence in 1776 as compared to India in 1947, but Singapore got it's independence in 1965. How is it that they are far more developed country than India is ?
We all know how much the education in India sucks. Irrespective of what we think, what we are told by our parents, it is a fact that apart from some schools like the IIT's there aren't many schools that provide quality education. I am from Anna University, and I am telling the educatin there is simply poor. There is no other word for it. When I started doing my Graduate education here in ASU, I realize how much I should have learnt in my undergrad and how good the others are. It was a pain for me to realize, and that's when I started seeing the big picture.
Ok so the two universities that I have been under and I know, Anna University and Arizona State University, what is the difference, lets start there. Jerusalem College of Engineering has access only to IEEE, and that too the subscription ended in 1998. ASU has access to over 15000 research databases. If only students have interest in studying will they be able to develop technology for the country and only then will students develop.
Ok what do I want to say from all this ? I have been writing this blog for days now, trying to complete it in a proper way, not knowing how to convey my ideas delicately. I think I don't care much anymore. So here we go,
Indians are the modern idea of slaves. Earlier the slaves are people who are people of physical energy, because labour is what was required. Slaves were "outsourced" and made to work. The modern concept of slavery is Outsourcing. There are thousands of IT companies in India. What do they do ? They are a portal through which Indian minds are sold for corporates who makes us work on small areas of projects in small groups, so that we won't know what is fully going on. On a larger picture Indians are the modern version of slaves and brainwashing is the modern version of slavery. India is a fallen empire. An empire which will not grow back unless their people understand, that they are SLAVES.
contact me at if you want to challenge this view.
cheers :)
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