Sunday, October 14, 2012

Integrity: Claim only what is rightfully yours

Also published in The Hindu, Education Plus on 22nd October 2012

Academic integrity is probably one of the lesser taught subjects in the technical education curriculum of India. I didn't even know of the word till I started my masters in the US but there we go. I often work in close relation with my university's career advising coordinator and professors enough to understand its consequences, not just for those found guilty of plagiarism but also for those of us who wish to adhere it. Requesting a professor in a big university for a  research position is considered not unlike a wedding proposal. The moment they realize you are Indian, the first concern in their mind is integrity. Its not a stereotype that I would think of as uncalled for, having myself witnessed cases of plagiarism on a weekly basis. Yet, the pool of brilliant students who come to US for higher education and internships is always on the rise and so is my concern.

I have heard from a professor once that an IITian applied for an internship. He usually doesn't even open these kind of mails unless he has a position open and once he did. The student in question said he was interested in turbine engine automation systems and was engrossed by one of the papers in the same topic that the professor has written. Unfortunately for him his crawling code has backfired and the professor to whom this email was sent turned out to be an expert in artificial intelligence, not really related fields. Incidents like these make the professors in the US wary of students from India who are genuine .A lot of really good candidates miss out on opportunities because of others who consider these internships as all expenses paid foreign trips.

These incidents continue once the same student comes to the US to pursue his masters. I was recently involved as an advisory in a resume plagiarism investigation in my university. Some well-minded senior has shared his resume in the hope that others might be helped, but unfortunately his resume was copied word-word by around 50 odd students while applying for the same part-time job within a span of 2 hours. Needless to say no Indian was hired for the position.

Most research students who publish their work on a regular basis are usually aware of the consequences of plagiarism and usually care about academic integrity. They know how difficult it is to bring about new ideas and there by know the value of others' work. But it is plagiarism that arise on these small scale that create the bigger problems. From assignments to exams we are used to or atleast witness instances of academic dishonesty, but if you are aiming for an admit in a reputed international university please practice integrity. Integrity is much like volunteerism, its not an act but a virtue. If found guilty, could lead to serious consequences including deportation and retraction of degree. Most importantly, as men and women of science it is our duty to credit those who deserve.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Inspirations of an Inspired Musician

Music is a relaxation for some who listen to it, when they are stressed. For some others music is an art. They enjoy its beauty in theaters and in record. A select few play their own variety of music, because it keeps them to their roots in a world where individuality lacks. For the select few like Javed Riaz, its all of the above put together with a will to inspire and a talent to match.

I have seen him with the Paradigm Shift since the early part of the last decade and the one thing that's not changed with him is his ability to inspire. We live in a time where the number of youtube hits are the trend setters. In this kolaveri  madness we forget about musicians like Javed, so talented yet so timid.

The delicate string work, the tempting piano arpeggios, the tight bass lines, expressive singers, nicely played violin and flute pieces, well chosen vocal harmony and to top it all fantastic lyric work from Antony Faze make his music a delicious buffet for the ears. With an occasional touch of Jazz and a dash of Indian classical influence blended together with subtle uses of modern recording technology makes his style of music unique yet addictive.

He has definitely inspired many a musicians ever since his Saarang years where we all look at him in awe and wonder if we can ever make such nice music. Music that reaches out to you, irrespective of what you are feeling at that time, irrespective of what your usual tastes are. I guess with his works as an independent musician his range has now improved. I hope he makes it big, just so that the rest of the world could also enjoy the music that has so far been the privilege of a coveted few.

Presenting... Javed Riaz.....

Monday, April 9, 2012

The Stage...

"There was too much noise in front of me, even though I haven't even got on it yet. Even over all the encore, I can still hear my heart beating. A sweat breaks out. They called my name and its time. I take the first step onto it. The first tinge of lights and smoke hit my face along with the blast of over ten-thousand people cheering. A smile broke out on my face and all the butterflies fly away. I knew then, that I am about to be born again and this is where I am supposed to live."

A stage is not just a dais. Its not just an elevated platform where people perform. Well it is just that, if you are one among the audience. For a performer though its more than that. A stage is a miraculous place, where there are no worries, no fear and no one can stop you. Its a place where you lose yourself on your performance while you and the art become one - Inseparable.

A stage is where I have been most alive. I perform for the people, yet I dont care if they like my performance or not. For all I care about is the performance and how much breath it gives me. The best of the best stage performers like Michael Jackson or the Iron Maiden, they dont just perform now do they? When we watch their performance we are so captivated by their stage presence that we become a part of their performance ourselves. They share not only their emotions, but also their energy and their soul with others.

May be thats why I feel so alive. I am sharing the energy and the soul of so many others, that I live more than just my life. I miss those days. When I was with TwinStarZ or with JDC, I become one with my fellow dancers. We all become just one being. Our souls were connected and so were our minds. In my post dancing stage appearances with G-Clef though I was not one with the band. No, rather I had my self to me. I was closer than I had ever been with myself. I had all the time to do what I wanted to always - to perform. I miss both those experiences. We all live together on stage, with just ourselves. Enjoy so much as though there were no tomorrow. Live as though we are the only survivors on a post-apocalyptic world.

Maybe one day I will get back a similar stage experience. Maybe I will be able to live once more, the way I did. Until then, I can just hope to get my life back whilst rewinding my memories and try to feel out the rush.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hossanna, what do you do when you meet her? A girl who is truly a breath of fresh air. A girl as colorful as the spring of Arizona. A girl for whom you can cross the skies.

I just realized when I listened to this song that I know this girl. I know her for some time now. How can I know someone for sometime and not realize that I am slowly being blown away by that person. No, its not love. I would have recognized it easily, that hopeless romantic that I am. No, I just let her be. I just let her keep blowing me away. Both with the power of playful words and with the spirit of her glowing smile.

The more I came to know her now, the more I realize she is the one. She is the hossanna the song talks about. I know that the grass is greener when I walk with her. I feel the spring in my feet, when I know I am about to meet her. And still, No. I am not in love with her. I just adore her for the way she sees the world in her own way, for the horizon is her limit and I like that idea. Hossanna, the girl who makes me smile spontaneously.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I have recently started this other blog, where I post all my audio recordings. After coming to the US I have made a small hobby out of recording cover songs and some jamming sessions. Hopfully I will take this up more seriously and do some proper music. Either ways the blog can be found in here ->
